Contact Information


The Department of Middle Eastern Languages and Cultures is located on the west side of the second floor of the Social Sciences Building. Visit Room 250 to visit the department's administrative offices.

Department Office Hours

Staff members work remotely on some days of the week. Consider contacting them via email when planning an in-person visit.

Monday – Thursday: 9am – 4pm
Friday: staff telecommute and are accessible via email

Department Mailing Address

Department of Middle Eastern Languages and Cultures
250 Social Sciences Building, MC 1940
Berkeley, CA 94720-1940

Department Communication

Phone: +1 510-642-3757
Fax: +1 510-643-8430



Have a Question?

Contact MELC Chair Christine Philliou with questions about the department.

Contact a MELC staff member for questions about the department's administration.

Contact the MELC undergraduate advising team for questions about the MELC undergraduate program.

Contact the MELC graduate advising team for questions about the MELC graduate program.

Contact a specific MELC faculty member or MELC graduate student.

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MELC faculty and staff may use this form to send updates, changes, or requests to the webmasters.