Campus Opportunities

Below is a list of campus organizations where students can pursue their interests:

Office of Undergraduate Research and Scholarships

The Office of Undergraduate Research and Scholarships (OURS) is UC Berkeley’s hub for undergraduate research and prestigious scholarships.

Undergraduate Research Apprentice Program (URAP)

The Undergraduate Research Apprentice Program (URAP) provides opportunities for Berkeley undergraduates to work with faculty members and staff on cutting-edge research projects. Working closely with mentors, students deepen their knowledge and skills in areas of special interest, while experiencing what it means to be part of an intellectual community engaged in research. The program is designed to stimulate awareness of advanced research and interest in graduate study. Students can earn credit for their participation.

Apprenticeships at the Phoebe Hearst Museum

The Undergraduate Research Apprentice Program (URAP) provides an opportunity for Berkeley undergraduates to work with faculty members on innovative research projects. Students meet regularly with faculty for research mentoring and may earn 1 unit of academic credit for each 3 hours of research work (limited to 4 units per term). The program is designed to stimulate awareness of advanced research and interest in graduate study. Students are not paid for their participation. For more information on the apprenticeship opportunities, please contact the Phoebe A. Hearst Museum of Anthropology.

Center for Middle Eastern Studies (CMES)

The Center for Middle Eastern Studies (CMES) promotes the interdisciplinary study of the Middle East at the University of California, Berkeley, and beyond, raising public awareness of the region’s diverse peoples and cultures and their connection to wider global contexts. Please visit the CMES website for list of lectures and events each semester. 

Berkeley Archaeological Research Facility (ARF)

The Archaeological Research Facility hosts a series of weekly archaeological lectures and events that are open to the public.

UC Berkeley Initiative for Iranian Studies (BIIS)

The UC Berkeley Initiative for Iranian Studies is a broad and multi-disciplinary initiative which supports research, teaching, and programming bringing together a multitude of aspects of Iranian Studies.