Baer-Keller Library of Egyptology

The Baer-Keller Library of Egyptology is a non-circulating collection of approximately 9,000 volumes maintained by the Department of Middle Eastern Languages and Cultures, primarily for the use of UC Berkeley students and faculty pursuing serious study of Ancient Egyptian culture, Coptology and Papyrology. Egyptology students and professionals from other institutions are also welcome. Interested individuals should apply to the MELC Department.

The core of the library collection comes from bequests to the department by Professors Klaus Baer (1987) and Cathleen (Candy) Keller (2008). Professor Baer was an Associate Professor of Egyptology and History at UC Berkeley before becoming a Professor of Egyptology at the Oriental Institute, University of Chicago. Professor Keller was an Associate Professor of Egyptology at UC Berkeley for many years until her passing in 2008.

Established in 2008 by the Department of Middle Eastern Languages and Cultures (formerly Near Eastern Studies), the Candy Keller Fund supports graduate students studying Egyptology at UC Berkeley. The fund honors the late Professor Keller, who was an Associate Professor of Egyptology at Berkeley for many years and specialized in Egyptian art and language. Your gift supports high-achieving students in their study of Egyptology. Thank you!